“Rabbit” gets his gong and moves on to help rescue the future. Surfing Legend Wayne “Rabbit” Bartholomew and recipient of a well deserved Order of Australia, is also stepping down as President of the Association of Surfing Professionals, after 10 very fruitful years leading the group to the highest esteem around the world.
Bartholomew now takes up the post as Chairman and Managing Director of GreenCell Limited, an Australian biotech company leading the way in green technologies and organic innovations.
GreenCell has developed a unique photic bio-processor called the “GNUL”.
“It’s ‘LUNG’ in reverse,” says Bartholomew “because what it does is breathe in CO2 and breathe out oxygen. It uses algae to do what algae have always done, it’s called photosynthesis. Algae loves Carbon Dioxide, in fact up to 80% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is there thanks to algae.
“The GNUL replicates the process in a closed system using artificial sunlight, so our algae almost never rest, because the artificial sun never sets on them, until we want it to.
“I’m really enthusiastic about what the GreenCell GNUL can do. What it replicates is probably the oldest and most important process on the planet. Algae eats CO2, cleans up water and, if you harness it, as the GNUL can, it can be turned into useful by-products like light sweet crude, or fish food, stock feed or even fed back into industrial plants as fuel.
“The GNUL creates a harmonious and virtuous cycle.
“This technology has implications for everybody from big industry down those living in small towns.
“As a surfer you can’t help but be connected to the planet and its natural cycles, that’s what drew me to what GreenCell has. We all create a carbon footprint, but now we can be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
“GreenCell is also introducing low energy LED lighting in July, is trialling bio-remediation of water in NSW and Queensland, and - as we speak - is about to build its demonstration plant for the GNUL at a power station in Queensland. “You can tell I’m very excited about the future of GreenCell. We are leading the way into the green millennium, helping to rescue the future.”
Bartholomew now takes up the post as Chairman and Managing Director of GreenCell Limited, an Australian biotech company leading the way in green technologies and organic innovations.
GreenCell has developed a unique photic bio-processor called the “GNUL”.
“It’s ‘LUNG’ in reverse,” says Bartholomew “because what it does is breathe in CO2 and breathe out oxygen. It uses algae to do what algae have always done, it’s called photosynthesis. Algae loves Carbon Dioxide, in fact up to 80% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is there thanks to algae.
“The GNUL replicates the process in a closed system using artificial sunlight, so our algae almost never rest, because the artificial sun never sets on them, until we want it to.
“I’m really enthusiastic about what the GreenCell GNUL can do. What it replicates is probably the oldest and most important process on the planet. Algae eats CO2, cleans up water and, if you harness it, as the GNUL can, it can be turned into useful by-products like light sweet crude, or fish food, stock feed or even fed back into industrial plants as fuel.
“The GNUL creates a harmonious and virtuous cycle.
“This technology has implications for everybody from big industry down those living in small towns.
“As a surfer you can’t help but be connected to the planet and its natural cycles, that’s what drew me to what GreenCell has. We all create a carbon footprint, but now we can be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
“GreenCell is also introducing low energy LED lighting in July, is trialling bio-remediation of water in NSW and Queensland, and - as we speak - is about to build its demonstration plant for the GNUL at a power station in Queensland. “You can tell I’m very excited about the future of GreenCell. We are leading the way into the green millennium, helping to rescue the future.”